
A Captivating Resolution

Compilers are generally split into three stages: syntax, semantic, and emit. The translation from syntax tree, produced by the first stage, to semantic tree, consumed by the latter stages, is called binding. Binding involves walking the syntactic representation, resolving variable references, and producing a tree based on the semantic structure of the program. For a single scope variable lookup is fairly simple. When dealing with lambdas that can capture values from an outer scope things get more complex. In this post I’ll walk through developing a simple binder that can handle lambda captures.

We will begin by assuming our input has already been parsed and is provided as a tree of SynNodes.

/// Syntactic node, as if from source code.
type SynNode =
    | Number of int
    | Define of string * SynNode
    | Load of string
    | Store of string * SynNode
    | Lambda of string * SynNode
    | Seq of SynNode list

Our bound tree will be made up of another union. We’ll begin by just supporting numbers:

/// Bound node, with captured variables resolved
type Bound =
    | Number of int

/// Bind the syntactic tree and produce a bound tree
let rec private bind = function
    | SynNode.Number n -> Bound.Number n
    | e -> failwithf "Error binding %A" e

Numbers are simple to bind as no resolution needs to happen.

Number 123
Number 123

Next up is variable definitions. In this language we assume a variable needs to be defined before being used. To support this we need some place to store the variables in the current scope. To keep track of the defined variables along with other state as we perform the bind we introduce a BindCtx type:

/// Locals are indices into some arbitrary array of
/// storage. Locals begin their indexing again at 0
/// when a new lambda is defined.
type Local = Local of int

/// Binder context, flowed through the bind to keep
/// track of the current state.
type BindCtx =
    { mutable Locals: string list }
    /// Introduce a new local definition.
    member ctx.Define id =
        let idx = ctx.Locals.Length
        ctx.Locals <- id::ctx.Locals
        Local idx

With that in place we can now bind definitions:

type Bound =
    | Store of Local * Bound
    // ...

let rec private bind (ctx: BindCtx) = function
    | SynNode.Define(id, init) ->
        let local = ctx.Define id
        Bound.Store(local, bind ctx init)
    // ...

Defining variables introduces a new local to the binder context, and then represents the initialisation in the bound tree as a plain Store operation.

Define ("foo",Number 123)
Store (Local 0,Number 123)
Define ("foo",Define ("bar",Number 456))
Store (Local 0,Store (Local 1,Number 456))

To bind plain loads and stores we need to look up the ID in the current context, and emit a bound operation that reads or writes to that location. Looking up the ID is performed by searching for a local variable in the list of locals. Once we have the index we need to “flip” it to return the offset from the base of our stack of local variables:

type BindCtx =
    // ..

    /// Lookup the given `id` in the current binder
    /// context.
    member ctx.Lookup id =
        List.tryFindIndex (fun l -> l = id) ctx.Locals
        |> (fun idx ->
	        Local (ctx.Locals.Length - 1 - idx))

Now we can look locals up in the environment adding loads and stores to the bind method is fairly simple. We search for the id and raise an error if no definition is found for it:

type Bound =
    | Load of Local
    // ...

let rec private bind (ctx: BindCtx) = function
    | SynNode.Load id ->
        match ctx.Lookup id with
        | Some local -> Bound.Load local
        | None ->
          failwithf "Reference to undefined %s" id
    | SynNode.Store(id, expr) ->
        match ctx.Lookup id with
        | Some local -> Bound.Store(local, bind ctx expr)
        | None ->
          failwithf "Assignment to undefined local %s" id
    // ...
Seq [
 Define (
  Number 234);
 Load "foo"
Seq [
 Store (
  Local 0,
  Number 234);
 Load (Local 0)

Next up it’s time to start work on the lambdas. In this language lambdas have a single argument and a body. The first change is to expand our idea of a variable to include arguments as well as lambdas:

/// Storage locations for variables.
type Storage =
    /// Locals are indices into some arbitrary array
    /// of storage. Locals begin their indexing again
    /// at 0 when a new lambda is defined
    | Local of int
    /// Load from the function's argument
    | Arg
type Variable =
    { Name: string
    ; Storage: Storage }

Lambdas will introduce a new scope on the stack. We will model this as a brand new BindCtx. Each nested context contains a reference back to the parent context. Instead of just a list of strings we now use our new Variable type.

type BindCtx =
    { Parent: BindCtx option
    ; mutable NextLocal: int
    ; mutable Locals: Variable list }
    // ..

    /// Create a derived contex for binding lambdas
    static member WithParent parent =
        { Parent = Some(parent)
        ; NextLocal = 0
        ; Locals = [] }

As well as our existing Define that needs updating to add a Variable to our Locals we add a DefineArg to introduce a definition for the lambda’s argument.

    /// Introduce a new local definition.
    member ctx.Define id =
        let storage = Storage.Local(ctx.NextLocal)
        ctx.Locals <- { Name = id
                      ; Storage = storage }::ctx.Locals
        ctx.NextLocal <- ctx.NextLocal + 1

    /// Define a lambda argument
    member ctx.DefineArg id =
        let storage = Storage.Arg
        ctx.Locals <- { Name = id
                      ; Storage = storage }::ctx.Locals

With all this in place binding non-capturing lambdas is fairly simple. A new context is created with the current context as its parent. We define its argument and then bind the body with that new context.

let rec private bind (ctx: BindCtx) = function
    // ...
    | SynNode.Lambda(formal, body) ->
        let lambdaCtx = BindCtx.WithParent(ctx)
        lambdaCtx.DefineArg formal
        bind lambdaCtx body |> Bound.Lambda

So long as the lambda doesn’t reference a variable outside its scope all should be good.

Lambda ("x",Load "x")
Lambda (Load Arg)

To resolve variable references from parent scopes things get a little more complex. If a lambda references a variable from one of the enclosing scopes it is said to ‘capture’ or ‘close over’ that value.

To allow the nested lambda to share access of this captured value with other scopes we move the storage location from the function’s locals into some ‘environment’ structure. This extends the lifetime of the variable beyond the scope of the lambda it was defined in so references to it in child lambdas can outlive the initial call. Now if anyone wants to modify the value there’s a centralised location to use. In the original scope access to the variable goes directly to the environment. In nested scopes we keep track of how far up the call chain we need to walk to find the variable’s environment using a chain of Captures.

The first change to achieve this is to have variable lookup in a given context fall back to searching in the parent. We use a special ParentLookup method here to encompass both the lookup and capture of the variable.

    /// Lookup the given `id` in the current binder.
    member ctx.Lookup id =
        match ctx.LookupVar id with
        // If this was in our environment, then return
        // the variable's current storage location
        | Some(v) -> Some(v.Storage)
        | None -> ctx.ParentLookup id

The ParentLookup itself first checks to see if the current scope even has a parent. If a parent is found we delegate the actual lookup to a third method LookupAndCapture. If we find a variable then we return a capture reference to it.

    /// Look up the id in the parent context, and
    /// return an `Capture` to it.
    member ctx.ParentLookup id =
        match ctx.Parent with
        | Some(parent) -> 
            match parent.LookupAndCapture id with
            | Some(storage) ->
            | None -> None
        | None -> None

The LookupAndCapture method is quite similar to the plain Lookup, but moves values to the Environment if they don’t already live there.

    /// Lookup the given `id` in the current context, and
    /// move it to captured storage if it hasn't already
    /// been moved there.
    member ctx.LookupAndCapture id =
        match ctx.LookupVar id with
        | Some(v) -> 
            match v.Storage with
            | Environment(_) -> Some(v.Storage)
            | s -> 
                v.Storage <- Storage.Environment(s)
        | None -> ctx.ParentLookup id

With all this in place it should now be possible to bind lambdas that reference variables in an outer scope. There’s one last wrinkle to iron out however. When we come to lower this code we need to know when to move values into the environment. To do this we need to know what values have been captured by a given lambda. We’ll add a list of the known captures to the BindCtx, and add to it each time we perform a ParentLookup:

/// Binder context, flowed through the bind to keep track of the current state
type BindCtx =
    { // ..
    ; mutable Captures: Storage list }
    member ctx.ParentLookup id =
        match ctx.Parent with
        | Some(parent) -> 
            match parent.LookupAndCapture id with
            | Some(storage) ->
                ctx.Captures <- storage::ctx.Captures
            | None -> None
        | None -> None

Now all that remains is to add this to our Lambda type, and set it when we bind:

type Bound =
    // ...
    | Lambda of Storage list * Bound
    // .. 
        let body = bind lambdaCtx body 
        Bound.Lambda(lambdaCtx.Captures, body)
Seq [
 Define (
  Number 1337
 Lambda (
  "x",Load "a"
Seq [
 Store (
  Local 0,Number 1337);
 Lambda (
  [Environment (Local 0)],
  Load (
   Capture (
    Environment (Local 0))))]

And that’s it. We can now bind syntax trees into a semantic model that tracks when captures need to take place and provides enough information to lower to some form of executable code. To view the solution in full check out the Source Code for this Article. For a more in-depth and slightly more complex solution that inspired this check out the Feersum compiler’s bind method.

Further Reading
