
The Missing Link

LLVM is great for hacking about with languages. It takes a lot of the complexity out of code generation. It allows you to turn your SyntaxTree or whatever you’ve got into real live object code. Code you can directly execute. Well, almost.

The last crevasse that LLVM plonks us down next to is linking. Taking a collection of object files, adding the C runtime library and producing an executable isn’t quite as simple as it first seems. Luckily however the’s a cunning trick to sidestep the problem: let someone else do it for you. The wonderful developers who make Clang have already solved those issues. Suddenly compiling down to an independent executable seems a lot easier.

I’m going to dive straight in and assume there’s an LLVMModuleRef compiled and ready to go. The first thing we need to do is write the module out somewhere to disk where clang can read it from. In Rust I’m reaching for the tempdir crate to make sure things get cleaned up afterwards, but really the exact place these intermediate files get written doesn’t matter.

// Create a tempdir to write the LLVM IR to
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new("output")
    .expect("create temp dir");
let temp_path = tmp_dir.path().join("temp.ll");

Writing out an object file requires using the LLVM TargetMachine infrastructure. That sounds a bit fiddly though so it’s easier to just write out LLVM IR for now with LLVMPrintModuleToFile.

let path = CString::new(temp_path.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
unsafe {
    let mut message = ptr::null_mut();
    if core::LLVMPrintModuleToFile(self.raw, path.as_ptr(), &mut message) == 0 {
    } else {
        let err_str = CStr::from_ptr(message)

With that in place all we need to produce a fully functioning executable is to shell out to Clang! In rust this is super easy with the Command builder. We just need to tell Clang where our LLVM IR is, and where to put the result when it’s done.

// Shell out to Clang to link the final assembly
let status = try!(Command::new("clang")
    .arg("a.out") // It's traditional :-p

And, if all goes well, Clang should do our dirty work and leave us with an executable a.out. All linked and ready to go!

I’m using this trick in anger at the moment as I continue hacking about on Ullage. I’ve since seen that Wilfred has done the same thing for bfc.
