Getting Started


This is only known to work on my machine at the moment. I'm running macOS and stable Rust If you'd still like to give it a go then make sure you have:

The compiler is written in Rust and built with Cargo. Functional tests are defined by a collection of source in spec/ and run by It's easier to run the tests with a virtual environment. Rather than running cargo or python directly use the script. This will set up the required python environment as required.


The source is all available at GitHub. Pull requests, comments and issues are welcome. Any thoughts I find interesting during development might be posted to my blog.

Building & Running the Compiler

The compiler can be built with ./ build --release from the root directory. This should create a target/release/ullage executable. With this executable in your path you can compile an example program with $ ullage -o hello specs/hello.ulg. This will produce an executable called hello in the current directory based on the source file specs/hello.ulg. Running $ ./hello should then print 1337 to the terminal. For full usage instructions on the compiler run $ ullage --help.