
To convert a folder full of markdown into a static HTML site is as simple as docket. By default the current directory is searched for markdown and the target directory where the site is rendered is ./build. The source and target directory can be overridden with -s and -t:

Docket Documentation Generator

Usage: docket [options]

  -h --help           Show this screen.
  -w, --watch         Watch for changes and re-generate.
  -s, --source=<in>   Documentation directory, default is current directory.
  -t, --target=<out>  Write the output to <out>, default is `./build/`.

Further configuration is deliberately left impossible. The aim is to provide a simple way to create documentation without any configuration or theming to provide distractions.


By default docket keeps quiet about what it does. You can override this by setting the environment variables DOCKET_LOG and DOCKET_LOG_STYLE to an env_logger compatible value.