Markdown Features

Markdown rendering is based on the CommonMark spec and rendered by Pulldown. There are, however, a few extensions.

Tree of Contents

When placed on its own in a paragraph [TOC] is replaced with a rendered tree based on the headings within the current page.


Code blocks are highlighted with Syntect or highlight.js. Syntect is the default. Syntect can be disabled at compile / install time by not including the syntect-hl feature, or at documentation build time by setting the DOCKET_FORCE_JS_HL environment variable.

By default the type of each block is inferred automatically. Fenced code blocks can be used to add a hint about the type of code:

def foo():

Which renders as:

def foo():

In addition the first line of the code block can specify a type hint if it begins with ::::

    #include <stdio.h>
    void main() {
        printf("hello world!");

Which renders as:

#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
    printf("hello world!");


Tables are supported. Markdown tables are defined with | and --- using the GFM tables extension.

Hello | Wolrd
------| -----
TESt | thing
123 | `123`
more | *stuff*
test | sfasf

Which renders as:


Task Lists

Task lists are supported with the syntax from GFM.

 * [ ] Milk
 * [x] Eggs
 * [x] Flour

Which renders as:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Flour